
Qatar is bursting with job opportunities

Find out all you need to know about the job search, business etiquette, and pensions in Qatar and get ready for this professional challenge. The petrochemical industry, a booming tourism sector, and thriving business services offer various opportunities for expats working in Qatar. While working in Qatar is an attractive option for various reasons, the […]

Hacking an Interview

The opportunity to make a good first impression is very small. In fact, most people know if they like you or not within 10 seconds of meeting you, according to published reports. And, if you’re interviewing, that first 10 seconds is vital. In order to make a good impression in an interview you need to […]

Unconventional Ways to a Dream Job

There is a difference between a job that pays the bills and a fulfilling career. We wondered why the distance between our job and our dreams is often so wide. The world has changed, technology has been revolutionized several times over, and yet our hiring process still resembles the way it was back in the […]